FBC Church Picnic

Please bring food to share according to your last name:A-F Side dish G-L Salad or fruit M-Z Drinks Hamburgers & chicken will be provided by Body Life. Dessert will be provided by the Spanish Ministry. You'll want to bring your own chairs & picnic blankets.

Zoomerang Vacation Bible School

Be prepared to experience the jaw-dropping beauty of the Great Barrier Reef, the arid temperature of outback afternoons, the architectural marvels of Australia’s modern cities, and the fascinating eucalyptus forest, home of the koalas. At Zoomerang, the newest Answers VBS, you’ll marvel at the unforgettable wildlife, culture, and beauty of Australia while exploring the wonder...

Celebration of Life for Karen Hill

Join us as we celebrate the life of our sweet sister Karen Hill on Saturday, September 24, at 2:00 p.m. The service will be available through LiveStream on our website and via Instagram. Refreshments will be served after the service.

CMS Conference

Our annual November CMS Mission Conference will be held at Community Bible Chapel. Come hear reports from abroad and enjoy fellowship with our brothers and sisters from around the Bay. Lunch will be provided. No childcare.

Christmas Under the Stars

Join us for a festive evening filled with music, raffles, hot cider, holiday treats, and the lighting of our very own Christmas Pepper Tree.  

CMS Bay Area Missions Conference

The CMS February 2023 Missions Conference is an in-person conference on, Saturday, February 4, 2023 at Fairhaven Bible Chapel. We will NOT broadcast the conference over Zoom due to the sensitive nature of some of the ministries. Lunch will be provided. There WILL be childcare. Masks optional.

Evening of Prayer

Join us on Friday, March 24, for an evening of prayer. Bring your open hearts and join us in coming before the throne of Grace. Main Auditorium 7-9 pm

Memorial for Olga Fiannaca

Join us in celebrating and honoring the home-going of our precious sister, Olga Fiannaca. Fairhaven Bible Chapel Sunday, March 26 @ 2:00 pm

2023 Women’s Retreat

We’re excited to announce our upcoming Women’s Retreat in April. Once again we’ll meet at our beloved Koinonia Conference Grounds and gather around our theme “Grow!” We hope you can join us! For all the information about the retreat and how to register, use the following link.

Women’s Missionary Conference

Join us for the 74th Annual Women's Missionary Conference to be hosted by our sisters at Community Bible Chapel. This year's theme is "God's Work Established in You." Time: 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Coffee & pastries available at 8:30 a.m. Lunch included. No childcare or kids/teens programs.