Online Prayer Meeting #2

Fairhaven's hosted Zoom prayer session as part of the North American Week of Prayer. Contact us ASAP to get the login information. See the following links for more information.

Bay Area Women’s Missionary Conference

The 72nd Annual Bay Area Women's This year's theme comes from Colossians 2:6-7, "Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.” You are able to...

Sermon Series: Nine Feasts of the Lord

Join us for a five-week series on the seven Feasts of Israel ("Feasts of the Lord") found in Leviticus 23. We'll also be studying Purim (found in the book Esther) and Hanukkah ("Feast of Dedication"). Week 1: The Feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread Week 2: The Feasts of First Fruits and Pentecost Week 3:...

CMS Missions Conference

CMS Conference - June 5, 2021 (Hybrid meeting)"Follow Me" Matthew 4:19 9am - 11am Zoom Conference Various contributors, including Dan & Lindsay Ball 2pm - 4pm In-Person Grace Bible Chapel, 420 Allegan Circle, San Jose, CA 95123 Dave Harvey, Philippines Erich Wieger, Middle East Register Here No lunch; no childcare

Sermon Series: Philippians

Join us for our summer sermon series from the book of Philippians. The apostle Paul wrote this affectionate letter with the theme of "joy in the Lord" running through it. It’s easy to express joy when we're experiencing the highs of life, but what about when we're in the valleys? We are commanded to rejoice...

Summer Ladies Bible Study

Join the Fairhaven women on Tuesday evenings, June 15-August 31, from 7-8 p.m. at the chapel as we study Titus 2:3-5 in light of Titus 2:11-14 to learn more about this life of beauty and freedom offered by the grace of God in Christ. For more information about this study, please visit the Women's Ministry...

Welcome Back BBQ

Join us for a Friday night BBQ cookout on Friday, June 18 at 6:00 p.m. We'll kick off the summer and celebrate the end of shelter-in-place with a night of fellowship in the Fairhaven parking lot. The chapel will provide sausages, drinks, and some outdoor games for all ages. Just bring a chair and feel...

Summer Sunday Services

On Sunday, June 20, Fairhaven will fully reopen for Sunday services with no capacity restrictions or social distancing. Wearing face masks will be optional; each person may decide what they prefer. The Fairhaven elders encourage everyone to come back and join us! We have missed seeing each other and expressing our love for one another...

Fall Exodus Teaching & Bible Study Series

During Fall 2021, Fairhaven will embark upon a journey into the book of Exodus, the second book in the Bible. Our Study will involve teaching on Sunday mornings followed by group study throughout the week. For more information, please visit our Exodus web page.

Sparks (on Zoom) and T&T Kick Off

Fairhaven is thrilled to begin the AWANA program once again.Sparks and T&T will begin on Thursday, September 16, with Cubbies gearing up on Wednesday, September 22. Find out more about this ministry on the AWANA & Cubbies page. Sign your child up for one of our clubs using the following button.