Summer Sunday Services

On Sunday, June 20, Fairhaven will fully reopen for Sunday services with no capacity restrictions or social distancing. Wearing face masks will be optional; each person may decide what they prefer. The Fairhaven elders encourage everyone to come back and join us! We have missed seeing each other and expressing our love for one another...

Fall Exodus Teaching & Bible Study Series

During Fall 2021, Fairhaven will embark upon a journey into the book of Exodus, the second book in the Bible. Our Study will involve teaching on Sunday mornings followed by group study throughout the week. For more information, please visit our Exodus web page.

Sparks (on Zoom) and T&T Kick Off

Fairhaven is thrilled to begin the AWANA program once again.Sparks and T&T will begin on Thursday, September 16, with Cubbies gearing up on Wednesday, September 22. Find out more about this ministry on the AWANA & Cubbies page. Sign your child up for one of our clubs using the following button.

Children & Youth Workers Meeting

Do you serve in AWANA, Children's Church, VBS, Teen Study, or the Nursery? On Sunday, September 19, there will be a meeting in the Lower Auditorium for all Children & Youth Workers from 1-3 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Please contact Dave or Catherine Belles if you did not receive the email invitation.

Parking Lot Renovation

From Wednesday, September 22, through Friday, September 24, the chapel parking lot is going to be repaved. Please do not park in the lot during the day or overnight.

Cubbies Kick Off

Cubbies, our AWANA program for 3- to 4-year-olds, will start up again on Wednesday, September 22. Find out more about this ministry on the AWANA & Cubbies page. Sign your child up for one of our clubs using the following button.

AWANA T&T Theme: Pet Night

The T&T Theme will be Pet Night on Thursday, September 30. Bring a stuffed animal. For double points, bring a friend! See you Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Special Focus on Missions Meeting for October

We’re changing things up for our October Focus on Missions Meeting. We will be on Saturday, October 2, in the Fireside Room at 9:00 a.m. so that we can hear from our special guest, David Wilson, who will be sharing via Zoom about the ministry work in Ireland. We hope you can join us! To...

AWANA T&T Theme: Inside Out Night

The T&T Theme will be Inside Out Night on Thursday, October 7. Let's see the fun you bring with your clothes inside out. Bring a friend, and we'll see you Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

AWANA T&T Theme: Crazy Clothes Night

The T&T Theme will be Crazy Clothes Night on Thursday, October 14. What's the craziest outfit you can put together? Bring a friend and we'll see you Thursday at 7:00 p.m.