We are blessed to have several mid-week opportunities to gather together each year. Our small group studies are an opportunity to dig into the Word of God, to develop meaningful relationships within the Body of Christ, and to lift one another up in prayer and during fellowship.
Some of the studies are following the chapel-wide Bible study Established in the Faith and Abounding with Thanks while others are studying different books of the Bible.
The elders encourage you to become a part of one of these groups.
Location: Fairhaven Lower Auditorium
Topic: The Book of Matthew
Leader: Eric Sharp
Lunch: Included
All welcome
Location: Zoom
Topic: The Book of Matthew
Leader: Kevin Cooper
All welcome
Contact Kevin for Zoom login information.
Location: Private Residence, San Lorenzo
Topic: The Book of Matthew
Leader: Gary Wilson
All welcome
Location: Fairhaven Fireside Room
Topic: The Book of Job
Leaders: Jenn Cooper & Lisa MacDonald
Ladies welcome
Group holiday break: The group will resume on 1/10/25.