Friday Morning Ladies Bible Study

The ladies meet on Friday mornings 10:00 – 11:30 am in the Fireside Room during September-May. This year we will be studying the book of Job, thought to be the oldest book chronologically in the Bible. We’ll be wrestling with topics such as suffering and faith, causes of suffering and its relationship (or not) to punishment, the mysteries of God, human vs. divine wisdom, companionship and comfort, and the goodness of God’s world…among many others.

We’d love to have you join us.

On Tuesday mornings we meet for prayer. All are welcome. Currently we are meeting online via Zoom. 

Contact Lorene Chin for information about how to join our meetings. 

Each April the ladies get away for a weekend at our beloved Koinonia Conference Grounds to soak in the Word of God, sister fellowship, and the beauty of God’s creation in the Santa Cruz mountains. 

This last April 2024 we met to learn about how to Be Still and Be Filled with our beloved Irish speaker Ruth Schwertfeger.

Check back in spring 2026 for information about the next retreat.

Thanks to our music team for the Spotify playlist of songs we enjoyed this weekend.

The ladies met on Monday evenings in Summer ’24 to study the “One Anothers” passages in Scripture. 

Please join us next summer when we gather to study the Bible together.