Body life connects our church members to jointly celebrate our bond in Christ and to help each member find their place in the body.

Our Body Life team plans and coordinates events and projects throughout the year to connect, celebrate, and encourage the bond we have with one another in Christ. Reach out to the team if you have ideas or questions.
Sandhya Basnet
Alejandra Espinoza
John FitzGerald
Luke Williams
“But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”
Scripture (1 Corinthians 12:5-7) tells us that the Holy Spirit gives each believer a gift or gifts in order to serve the Body of Christ. There are plenty of ways to use your gifts to serve at Fairhaven. Here are some ideas and the person(s) to contact:
- Provide a meal for a new mom or someone who’s sick (Cindy Walters)
- Help the Emmaus Prison Ministry by commenting on courses or working in the office (Randy Walker)
- Help set up or take down chairs before or after a meeting
- Join the team of ushers (Bob Bruton)
- Work in the kitchen for Awana dinners, coffee hour, special events (Beth Wilson)
- Work with children in Awana, Children’s Church, nursery, childcare at special events (Dave Belles)
- Join a team doing Bible study outreach to seniors (Ron Chin, David FitzGerald, or Gary Caughell)
- Host a Bible Study (Mike Ausmus)
- Demonstrate hospitality to another believer or family
- Serve as a summer camp counselor at Koinonia
- Help repair our chapel building during work day teams or individual tasks (a deacon)
- Minister with teams at a college campus
- Assist in special events like picnics, giveaway days, Christmas programs (Body Life Team)
- Join a music team (Michael Ehlert)
- Join the Love Oakland homeless ministry (Greg Brown)
- Assemble food packages with the Bread for the Bay team (Bob Bruton)
- Join or start a prayer group
- Help a new mom with childcare or just offer to do her dishes
- Visit the sick
- Join a team serving at a local senior center (Gary Caughell)
- Commit to praying through the Grapevine each week or through the directory