Fairhaven has embarked upon a journey through the book of Exodus, the second book in the Bible.
Exodus tells the story of a God Who knows what His people are going through. God’s people are enslaved in Egypt and experiencing great suffering. When they cry out in desperation for help, God is not far –- He hears their cry and comes to their rescue. With a mighty hand He draws them out of the land. With plagues and power, God shows himself mightier than Pharaoh, but it is ultimately through the sacrifice of the Passover lamb that the people are saved. He brings them through the Red Sea in a miraculous display and to the foot of His holy mountain. There we learn the awesome purpose for which He has drawn them out: to draw them in. Not only does God know His people, but even more remarkably, He desires to be known by them. He desires to dwell with them. “I will be their God, and they will be my people.”
Israel finds themselves no longer slaves but sons, saved by the blood of the lamb, saved through the water, walking through a difficult land on their way to a land of promise. That’s the story of God’s people then, and it’s the story of God’s people now. He still knows what you are going through, He still has the power to rescue, and yes, He still desires to draw you in. You can know God by name!
Our leadership team has prepared the Exodus Book to encourage families and individuals in their personal Bible study, scripture memorization, and meditation in Exodus throughout the week.
If you want the Exodus book, it is available electronically in three parts.
Check out another teaching series.